Sunday, June 26, 2011

In 3 days....

In the first 3 days of summer, we managed to take the boys on an overnight to our favorite summer spot...Dutch Wonderland. The kids had a BLAST and it was the first time they rode rides all by themselves...bitter sweet!

The next photo is of Eli's birth announcement stichery made with love by Eli's Aunt Lo-Lo. I cannot begin to explain the amount of love and devotion put into every stitch of this AMAZING wok of art. We can't wait to frame it and hang it to honor Eli & Aunt Lo-Lo :) We love you Aunt Lo-Lo and can't wait to meet Baby Ice any day now!!!!!!

1 comment:

Aunt Lo-Lo said...

Wow! Now that I look at that, it's no wonder it took me 3 1/2 years to finish it! And now that it's done, I can honestly say it was my pleasure! Love you all! Can't wait to see you!!