Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer's Here!!!

Our summer has officially begun, so it's been a real blast to both be home with our son....
If you look real close at the first photo, you can see tooth #1 on the bottom of Eli's gum :) He has #2 and #3 already on there way. His only real side effects have been strange sleep patterns and lots of cuddling! The next photo is Eli with Grandma and Great Grandma James. He just loves his Grandma's!
This week we had our second home study visit- only one more to go! Believe it or not, Eli's adoption process is not over yet! We have our last home visit in August and then we have to wait for some paperwork from Holt and meet with an adoption lawyer to begin the finalization process which involves a court date! We're almost there...

1 comment:

Shasta said...

It'll go by fast!! So cute!!! I'll have to get together with you all while I'm lookin' for work.

Watch out for the bite ;)